Group Coaching

What’s included

Weekly online calls

Our group coaching program will include weekly calls of 90 minutes each, with a minimum of 4 calls per month. We will focus on a rotating schedule of topics, and have an open discussion based on a question, do a calibration or a tuning session, or another guided process. (See below for an explanation)

There will be bonus calls added to the schedule as availability allows, based on interest and guest speakers. Free or discounted access may be offered to masterclass offerings that are held outside of the coaching program.

Access to private Facebook group

Being an active subscriber to the group coaching program grants you access to our private Facebook group where we will post high-vibrational messages, to build on our call conversations. Knowing that we create our own reality encourages us to keep our focus on that which we want more of in our life. Loving reminders to guide our thoughts to those that feel better can be helpful as we navigate our daily life.

Resource Recommendations

I am always listening, learning and attending events, in person or online, to expand my personal awareness and I am happy to share suggestions with you that may resonate with where you are in your own life.

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”

— Chinese Proverb

What is a Calibration?

A calibration, within the context of this coaching practice, is a technique called the Mallison Method, which starts with an unwanted emotional response to a subject and uses your own inner guidance to create a new perspective on that subject. From this place, you will have insights that allow you to find a new emotion about this topic, without needing anything to change about the situation. It is a simple tool that yields powerful results.

Calibrations and Tunings

What is a Tuning?

What if there is nothing that feels like a wobble or you simply want a good feeling more of the time? This is when tuning is a perfect tool. We select up to three emotions that you want to amplify, choose a memory where you have previously felt that emotion and then I guide you to create a physical touchpoint in your body so you can evoke this feeling any time you wish. Wonderful for learning how to feel calm in any situation or confident before an event that feels challenging.

Group Testimonials


1-on-1 Coaching


Online classes