I am passionate about you finding your alignment.

What is Alignment Coaching?

Alignment Coaching is a neuroscience-based type of coaching that helps people to have awareness of their current reactions and emotions to the world in which they live.

Learning how to intentionally guide your focus so you can feel better without any external circumstances needing to change is the key.

By creating these intentional shifts through mindset and habits, alignment with creating what you do want in your life begins to occur.

Our mindset is the only aspect of life we can control and harnessing its power can produce magical results.

This is not about creating vision boards and SMART goal setting - this is about believing life can be fun and that we can choose to experience what we want.

Whether it is material goods, financial abundance, loving relationships, a fulfilling career, freedom of a flexible work schedule or even where you live, anything is possible.

How does it work?

During 1:1 coaching, we use online video calls to work together, using a variety of methods, to shift your perspective on ANY topic.

This is not therapy and we won’t be digging into old traumas.

Even if you have a belief or hard facts about why you feel the way you do, we will work with where you are NOW to have less struggle and more ease.

We will explore how you feel about a topic, and how you would prefer to feel, then use the power of your consciousness to find relief and movement toward a better-feeling place.

Sounds far-fetched? Have you had ever a headache and then been distracted by something fun, forgetting to put any focus on the pain, so it feels as if the headache is gone? Nothing changed except your focus.

I am pleased to guide you on this journey to discovering new possibilities.

It is often a magical surprise how less effort can produce more results.

The difference is your perspective.

When you learn how important it is to understand the feeling of your desired outcomes then you can choose to do less busy work and spend more time enjoying the life you desire.

Who am I?

I am Sheila Williams, a former school teacher and corporate trainer, who now lives nomagically (a magical life as a nomad).

I am a teacher to the core of my being. I love to guide people on a discovery of what is possible in their life, as we explore and navigate from a new angle.

I discovered how to find joy in life, going from living a ‘regular’ life, where I rarely dared to dream (since even getting ahead felt out of my reach), to living my dream life where I travel, explore, make connections and friendships, and regularly create new desires.

I trust that anything I focus on can come my way as I allow it; I don’t have to worry about how or when or working hard to be worthy. I truly believe in the motto of: Want it. Get it.

I believe that we have the power within us to create any life we choose through focus and consistently making choices that feel aligned with what we desire.

If it sounds too good to be true, then that’s all the more reason why you should join our community or experience a session first-hand so you can tune into this knowing for yourself.

Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.
— Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

What areas of life can improve?

Business and Financial Success

As you focus on desired results rather than ones you do not want, you can learn what those outcomes will feel like. As you allow yourself to feel those emotions now, you can experience amazing results that will surprise and delight you. This coaching does not use soul-less mantras or affirmations to reach your goals. It teaches you to tap into the full potential of what is possible for you, trusting that you can be, do or have anything. You are limitless.

Personal & Professional Relationships

When you learn to break out of the pattern of believing that other people are the cause of your negative reactions, you gain the power to understand that you create your own reality. This shift allows you to see how it is your behaviour and beliefs that shape all exchanges with others. You are in full control of how you choose to behave and the thoughts you choose to think. From this place, you can enjoy a fulfilling relationship with everyone in your life.

Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Harnessing the power of your subconscious is a proven factor that can evoke changes in your body chemistry and thought patterns. From body pain or excess weight to anxiety or fears, changing your perspective and moving up the emotional guidance scale can create measurable, lasting improvements. Personal coaching does not replace medical care and I trust that you will educate yourself and choose the best options for your health.

How do you want to feel?

Coming back to consciously choosing to feel good is a magical ingredient in creating your best life. It sounds simple yet so many disregard the importance of consistently making that choice. When you open up to adding this habit into your day, the outcomes may surprise and delight you.