Amplify Your Best Life Coaching Membership

It’s Time to Amplify Your Life!

Are you tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and unsure of how to move forward?

Are you constantly:

  • Wondering how to put yourself first and feel better about it?

  • Worrying about aspects of your physical health?

  • Struggling to earn the money you feel you deserve?

  • Feeling lost when it comes to creating fulfilling relationships?

How this Membership Can Be What You Have Been Looking For

Have you been feeling any of the following?

Questioning How to Feel Happier or More Satisfied with Your Life

- Have you felt lately like you are stuck and you want to be happier?

- Do you have the basic building blocks of life in place but nothing feels as rich and satisfying as you wish it to be?

- We will guide you to reflect on how to refocus your attention on creating the life you want and putting the ownership back where it belongs - on you

Worry about Physical Health and Wellness

·      - Do you constantly fear that your body is letting you down?

·      - Are you unsure how to feel better, more energized, or in control of your health?

·      - Through our membership calls, you’ll learn techniques to tune into your body’s wisdom and create new habits that benefit your unique health needs.

Uncertainty About Earning the Money You Want

·      - Are you struggling to figure out how to reach your financial goals?

·      - Does money stress dominate your thoughts, leaving you feeling powerless?

·      - We will discuss how to rewire your mindset around money, learning practical and intuitive strategies to increase your income and financial stability.

Confusion Over Creating Fulfilling Relationships

·      - Do you find it difficult to connect deeply with others?

·      - Do you want to build the relationships you truly desire?

·      - Our calls will guide you through uncovering the resistance that may keep you from experiencing the loving, fulfilling relationships you desire.

Choose Your Own Adventure

  • Choose Your Topics

    Which areas do YOU want to shift and improve in your life NOW?

    1. SELF




    You can choose ONE, TWO, THREE, or ALL FOUR topics.

  • Choose Your Frequency

    How OFTEN do you want to meet?

    We meet every Monday at 9 am PT with a different topic each week.

    How often does it suit YOU and your schedule to have a meaningful commitment you can be present and engaged with?

    Replays are ALWAYS available.

    Quarterly BONUS OPEN calls for ALL Members

  • Choose your Payment Option

    Payments are based on your quantity of TOPICS:

    ONE: $47/monthly

    TWO: $94/monthly

    THREE: $141/monthly

    FOUR: $147/monthly

    ANNUAL: $1,397*

    *Equals to $116/monthly

    All payments are in US Dollars

    Payment plan available for annual memberships

  • Choose Your Bonus VIP Experience


    Add 10 BONUS 60-minute 1:1 Coaching calls* to your ANNUAL 4-topic subscription for ONLY $999

    Add BONUS 30-minute 1:1 Coaching calls** to your MONTHLY subscription OR your ANNUAL subscription for ONLY $55 each ***

    *$2,500 Total Regular Retail Value

    **$150 Each Regular Retail Value

    *** When added to monthly subscription

  • Fast Action Bonuses - Monthly

    Act now and sign up for any MONTHLY subscription BEFORE September 23rd, and you will receive extra bonuses valued at $233!

    1. 1x 30-minute Private Coaching Session (value $150)

    2. Access to Wheel of Life Online Coaching Workshop Audio (Value $39)

    3. Access to Beyond Boundaries - Crafting Your Dream Life Workshop Audio (Value $44)

  • Fast Action Bonuses - Annual

    Act now and sign up for an ANNUAL membership BEFORE September 23rd, and you will receive extra bonuses valued at $1,030!

    1. 1x 60-minute Private Coaching Session (value $250)

    2. Access to Bridge the Gap - Welcoming a New Year and New Life Audio (Value $697)

    3. Access to Wheel of Life Online Coaching Workshop Audio (Value $39)

    4. Access to Beyond Boundaries - Crafting Your Dream Life Workshop Audio (Value $44)

What’s Included

90-minute Coaching Calls

Each topic has a 90-minute monthly call

We will have

  • Full-group conversations

  • Guided coaching processes

  • Written reflection activities

  • Break-out room smaller discussions

The objective is to measure your starting point on a topic, using the wheel of live activity and then regularly check in with your progress toward your desired feelings and outcomes

Access to Replays

Missing a live call is never a problem!

Questions can be submitted beforehand to be addressed within the call

All replays are available in your resource section within 24 hours

Replays are offered in video or audio form and are accessible as long as you are a subscribing member



Participants consistently comment on how the calls feel like a welcoming space to appear on camera and share what matters to them

We are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels safe to create deep connections and feel open to learning new perspectives, knowing that this is how change within ourselves best occurs

Whenever possible, it is desirable that you attend the callsmindfully present and engaged, without outside distractions, to obtain the most benefit

Private Facebook Group

All active members are invited to join the private Facebook group where resource sharing, uplifting messages, and extra coaching are available

All important content will be emailed out for the benefit of those not on Facebook

Advanced Notice

Members will receive early notification of upcoming public courses and workshops

Special discounted rates may be offered to members, including free access

Monthly Community Call

Want to find your Tribe?? Join our monthly Community Call!

If you want some unstructured time to get to know each other and have a casual chat, we will have a monthly 60-minute call for you to choose your topic of conversation and connect in a less formal way

Date and time to be announced. These calls will not be recorded

Access to Bonus Material

Bonus Content will be regularly added to the shared resource center

Members will be notified by email when new material is available

Quarterly Open Topics Call

Each month that has five Mondays will feature an extra call

All members are welcome to attend, regardless of subscription topics

Questions and coaching will be centered on those present and what they bring to the table for discussion

Special Pricing for 1:1 Coaching

Active subscribers will have access to the discounted rate of $127 for single 60-minute private 1:1 coaching sessions. (Savings of 49%)

There is no limit to the number of sessions available at this rate for private use

Gifting a single session is an option, limit of one per recipient


  • Monthly subscriptions may provide access to one, two, three or all four topic calls.

    Annual subscriptions offer access to all topic calls and a lower per call price of $29.

  • Payment Plans are currently available for Annual plans.

    Two payments of $750, paid at six-month intervals, result in a total annual fee of $1,500.

    This brings the weekly call cost down to $25 each (from $47 per single topic call)

  • You can cancel your monthly subscription at any time.

    Payments will be cancelled effective your next payment date.

    No refunds will be offered for missed calls.

    You may continue to attend your call topics until your end date.

    Access to replays and bonus material will be revoked after cancellation.

    Annual memberships will not be refunded.

    Cancellation will stop renewal.

  • YES!!

    You are welcome to upgrade to VIP and add 30-minute private sessions for $55 each to your monthly subscription


    Add 10x 60-minute sessions for $999 to your annual subscription


    Add 30-minute private sessions for $55 each to your annual subscription, payable monthly

    Please note that no refunds will be offered if you choose to end your membership. All sessions will be honored within one year of purchase. After the expiry, the purchase value can be used toward any current offering.

  • We meet EVERY Monday at 9 am PT/Noon ET/5 BST for 90 minutes.

    The call order is consistent:

    1st Monday - SELF

    2nd Monday - HEALTH

    3rd Monday - WEALTH

    4th Monday- RELATIONSHIPS

    5th Monday - OPEN CALL/TOPICS

A Welcome Gift

Please enjoy this short guided meditation that was offered at the opening of a workshop in 2023.