1-on-1 Coaching

Initial 1:1 Session

If you want to meet to find out if we are a good match, take advantage of the special pricing for an initial session.

Initial coaching sessions are up to 90 minutes in length.

Including a full coaching session (up to 60 minutes), and an additional 30 minutes reserved to discuss how an ongoing coaching program may be right for you, this is a great place to begin your journey. Audio recordings of your session are provided.

Pricing for an Initial Session is $100

Package of 12 private 1:1 Sessions

When you commit to 12 consistent 1-on-1 private coaching sessions, you are on the path to finding the magical life that is possible for you.

These sessions will address any active topic you feel is not currently at its highest potential. We will use a variety of techniques to see the situation from a different angle. New perspectives and insights will be available to create your next best step in moving toward what you would rather experience.

Let’s create some magic together!

Pricing for a package of 12 Sessions is $3,000

What’s included in your Coaching Package?

Weekly sessions

Committing to a package of 12 coaching sessions, you get consistent 1-on-1 coaching sessions every week. These sessions are designed to address anything you are actively feeling challenged by.

We will use various techniques, including calibrations or tuning, (described below) to move out of the story and connect with your intuition/inner guidance to shift your perspective. You will become aware of insights and new realizations as you are guided to consider this topic from a new point of consciousness.

Priority Access

As a client with an active coaching package, you will have access to audio support in between sessions.

You will receive advance information about any new programs, tools or products available, which may include special promotions or invitations to attend bonus programs at no extra charge.

You will receive notification of any price increases with the option to renew your package at your current price level.

Resource Recommendations

I am always listening, learning, receiving my own coaching and attending events, in person or online, to expand my personal awareness and I am happy to share suggestions with you that may resonate with where you are in your own life.

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”

— Chinese Proverb

Calibrations and Tunings

What is a Calibration?

A calibration, within the context of this coaching practice, is a technique called the Mallison Method, which starts with an unwanted emotional response to a subject and uses your own inner guidance to create a new perspective on that subject. From this place, you will have insights that allow you to find a new emotion about this topic, without needing anything to change about the situation. It is a simple tool that yields powerful results.

What is a Tuning?

What if there is nothing that feels like a wobble or you simply want a good feeling more of the time? This is when tuning is a perfect tool. We select up to three emotions that you want to amplify, choose a memory where you have previously felt that emotion and then I guide you to create a physical touchpoint in your body so you can evoke this feeling any time you wish. Wonderful for learning how to feel calm in any situation or confident before an event that feels challenging.


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