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Free Coaching Workshop - Overcoming the Feeling of Overwhelm


Overwhelm can impact all areas of your life.

It’s challenging to focus on your next best step, no matter what the topic may be when it feels like you are buried in responsibilities, with no idea where to start.

You may feel frozen to take any action; it’s easier to take NO action, until self-judgement sets in, criticizing you for not acting.

It can be a vicious cycle.

Learning tools to help you feel more present & empowered can help you move forward confidently on any topic or task.

You can find more balance in your life and then more Freedom and Choices appear more consistently in your experience.

Join this free interactive coaching workshop to learn the tools to move through Overwhelm to Freedom, Choice, Ease and Flow.


August 22

Free Coaching Workshop - Time Management Mastery: Making the Most of Your Day

September 25

Free Coaching 3-Day Workshop Series