Want it.

Get it.




What do you want?

I can help you get it.

Many people feel Stuck or Overwhelmed with many areas of their life.

There is a Simple Solution.

As an Intuitive Coach, I guide you with personalized strategies for a Balanced and Confident life.

With your new Clarity and Awareness of your next best actions, you create with Ease.

This isn’t therapy, it is alignment coaching.

You can move FROM:

  • Wanting to feel better in your Body

  • Feeling stuck in your Career but not sure how to make a change

  • Juggling Family Relationships

  • Wishing there was more Time to do what you want

  • Navigating the Stress of not having enough Money now or for the future

  • Living with Frustration that working hard doesn’t seem to get you ahead


  • Love for your Body

  • Confidence to Boldly Take Your Next Step to Shift Careers

  • Peace in your Family interactions

  • Ease as you move through the time of your day

  • Calm as Money starts to flow in higher quantities with more consistency

  • Lighter as you begin to notice you are exactly where you should be

Working with Sheila

Working with people who want more out of their lives is my greatest joy. Listen to what Danielle has to say about the impact intuitive alignment coaching has made for her.

Your Journey to Alignment

Coaching Membership

We meet weekly for 90-minute online topic-specific group conversation and guided processes to shift toward what you know is important for you.

Discover the power of surrounding yourself with people who understand they create their own reality.

Initial 1:1 session

Book an Initial 90-minute call at a reduced rate, for a taste test of working together. I will guide you through a private 60-minute online coaching session, during which we will identify the overwhelming topics and create clarity on your next steps.

For our final half hour, we can discuss the coaching options.


Consistent 1:1 coaching

A season of alignment consists of 3-4 months of 12 coaching sessions that build momentum toward allowing what you desire into your life.

As you realize that anything is possible and you can consciously create what you want, multiple opportunities are revealed to you.

What would it feel like to be aligned with your best life?

What my clients are saying

Mark R.

To be honest, I was very skeptical about alignment coaching working for me since it appeared to involve emotional awareness. I find identifying and characterizing my emotions to be difficult. To my surprise, the techniques Sheila uses actually makes identifying, characterizing, and even locating your emotions easy. She is actually able to make the process fun so working with her is fun and easy. Sheila is also amazingly intuitive. If I got stuck she could practically read my mind to help get me going. Unless you don't like being happier and having a higher vibration, I highly recommend Sheila. 

Lucy T.

I highly recommend Sheila as a personal development coach. Sheila is amazing at assisting people in shifting their vibration and opening up to a broader perspective on whatever situation they are experiencing. Sheila has a beautiful, soothing voice and she is incredibly patient. She has been heavenly to speak to through one of the most difficult times of my life. I have loved every single session with Sheila!

Sue C.

Over the past couple of years I have had the privilege of working with several coaches on various topics.  I have been happy with all of them. But Sheila holds a special place in my heart not just as a coach, but as one of the most extraordinarily sincere and caring people I have ever met. One of the first times I worked with her I told her I wanted to be just like her when I grow up!  I really don’t have adequate words to describe her or the gifts she so generously shares. Just know that working with Sheila is one of the best things you could possibly do for yourself.  Having a ringside seat while she is working her magic is an amazing experience!

Alyssa R.

I was looking to really anchor in my new chosen reality! I had clarity around what I wanted, I just felt some wobbles and knew I was ready to move forward. I felt a strong resonance with Sheila's energy and joy. I already knew our session was what I was ready for. Sheila helped me experience in a deeper way what being a new version of myself could really be. It was incredible to experience the difference between being "ok" and ready to experience a change, and being full on so excited! I feel that my session with Sheila was a beautiful gift and am honored to have been able to meet her. I look forward to my adventure of expansion with her in the future.

Danay Novoa, PhD

Working with Sheila has been incredible. She is a very talented Life Coach who has made a tremendous impact on my life. In conversations with Sheila, she has helped me see how the current challenges I face are manifestations of old patterns. She has clearly brought to my awareness connections between past experiences with my current life and this has helped me release old beliefs. Sheila helped me feel more empowered and confident to step out and share my gifts with the world. Things that I have felt debilitating anxiety with, she has helped me see them as more manageable. She takes these barriers/blocks within me that feel like mountains, things that I cannot overcome, and helps transform them into manageable molehills that I can just step over on my way to becoming my best self. I feel my life has more ease and flow since working with Sheila. She has a way of creating a calm atmosphere that even when agitated I can tap into my higher perspective and see my life more clearly. Sheila has added more magic to my life.

 I highly recommend Sheila as a life coach, she’s made my life easier, and I feel freer. Thank you so much, Sheila!

Betsy S.

Sheila, I don’t even have the words to express how amazing you are!! The loving and nonjudgmental space you hold for me is so comforting.

Your steady gentle guidance allows me to center myself, leave behind the chaos of the struggle du jour and access insights that allow me to see the truth of the matter. And then you sprinkle your wisdom and knowing into the mix - wow!!

I’m blown away each and every time that, regardless of how I’m feeling at the start of our sessions, by the end, I feel sooooo good and have such clarity.

I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with you. Thank you!!! xxoo

Let’s kickstart your alignment.

I will be with you every step of the way.

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